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Recommendations For Color Assessment Environments

  • 2019-03-16
  • admin
  • Comply with colour viewing / measuring geometry 0°/45° or vice versa. If necessary, use sample holders to provide the correct geometry.
  • Put samples close together.
  • If possible, colour samples should have the same dimensions
  • Ambient conditions should be as neutral as possible. Try to avoid ambient light.
  • For very dark substrates a light box with matte-black interior lining can be used to reduce the contrast. Otherwise the colour viewing booths must be neutral gray (Munsell N7).
  • Obersers should wear neutral clothing to avoid reflections from their clothes.
  • Only the viewing samples should be in the viewing booth at the time of assessment to avoid colour contamination from other samples
  • The observer should be tested for normal colour vision and should have experience in visual color evaluations.
  • Give your eyes time to adapt to the ambient conditions and do not look at any strong colours directly before the assessment
  • If you own standards and guidlines are used, inform all parties who are involved in the colour assessment procedure and insepct conformance
  • Use several different illuminants to detect metamerism
  • If the substrates are fluorescent, UV radiation must be included in sources used for colour assessments
  • Replace your fluorescent lamps regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions.